The Next Phase


Hello to my ever-changing fallen angels! I assumed this Summer would be quite bland for me, but time has proven that the contrary became true. I finally received my driver’s license after a whole year of practicing and after three failed attempts on the road test. In addition, I got a new job for the first time in over a year. Now I’m trying to save up for a car. I have a new and improved significant other. And I’m trying to move into a better apartment. Everything seems to be going well for me lately. Sorry that it has been almost a week since I last posted on here. The One-Eyed Angel has been very busy (and I hate to admit it, but I’m also currently suffering from writer’s block.) Please be patient. I love you all! I am nothing without my fallen angels! Have a wonderful day! Over and out.

Funny dialogue

Hello to my blogging fallen angels! Im still working on a lengthy allegory. I have been busy involved with the church and with advocacy unlimited. The church actually helped me apply for volunteer work at a retirement home in my neighborhood. And im also an activist for Advocacy Unlimited for people with mental health issues. I, myself, have those kinds of issues but nothing stops me from pursuing my goals and dreams in life. Anyway I wanted to end this short post with some funny dialogue.

“Me: What does he see in her?
Emily(my friend): I don’t know. To each his own, i guess.
Me: To eat his own what?”

Have a wonderful day, my fallen angels! Over and out.

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